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Technical Data Analysis Inc.,* Falls Church, Virginia, is awarded a $43,571,825 cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. This contract provides engineering and technical services to support aircraft structural life monitoring and air vehicle airworthiness certification to include Structural Appraisal of Fatigue Effects program, strength engineering, and loads and dynamics engineering in support of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) Structures Division for the Navy. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland, and is expected to be completed in August 2029. No funds will be obligated at the time of award; funds will be obligated on individual orders as they are issued. NAWCAD, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N0042124D0022).

The Boeing Co. – Boeing Defense, Space, and Security, Boeing Military Aircraft, Tukwila, Washington, has been awarded a $2,560,846,860 modification (PZ0014) to previously awarded undefinitized contract action (UCA) FA8730-23-C-0025 for E-7A Rapid Prototyping. The modification is for the definitization of the UCA. Work will be performed in Tukwila, Washington, and is expected to be completed by Aug. 28, 2029. Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts, is the contracting activity.

Sierra Nevada Co., LLC, Englewood, Colorado, has been awarded a $64,236,592 contract for PC-12 return to service. This order, under a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (FA8691-21-D-1020), provides for return to service, field representative support, and contractor logistics support for six PC-12 Aircraft to Uzbekistan. Work will be performed in Uzbekistan and is expected to be completed by Aug. 7, 2027. This contract involves Foreign Military Sales to Uzbekistan. This contract was a sole source acquisition. Foreign Military Sales Trust Funds in the amount of $26,012,048 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8691-24-F-B007).

The Boeing Corp., St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a maximum $53,186,025 bilateral modification (P00006) to previously awarded contract FA8634-24-F-0041 for F-15 Mobile User Objective System/Second Generation Anti-Jam Ultra-High Frequency Radio for NATO (SATURN) Group-A production and sustainment. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $13,867,780. Work will be performed at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina; Mountain Home AFB, Idaho; and Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, United Kingdom; and is expected to be completed by Dec. 31, 2027. Fiscal 2023 and 2024 procurement funds in the amount of $13,867,780 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Fighter and Advanced Aircraft Directorate, F-15 Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity.

Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is awarded a $611,270,079 modification (P00005) to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (N0001923C0009). This modification exercises options to procure development of Multi-Ship Infrared Search and Track Increment 2 hardware and Band 5 Radar Warning Receiver hardware in support of Lot 18 U.S. Reprograming Lab Development; Lot 18 Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom Reprogramming Lab Development; Lot 18 Norway and Italy Reprogramming Lab Development; Lot 18 Denmark, Netherlands, and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) mission data file updates; and F-35 In a Box development and licensing for the F-35A/B/C aircraft. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (60%); Nashua, New Hampshire (16%); Baltimore, Maryland (9%); Orlando, Florida (5.5%); Torrance, California (2%); San Diego, California (2%); El Segundo, California (2%); Northridge, California (1%); Clearwater, Florida (1%); Buffalo, New York (1%); and Tucson, Arizona (0.5%), and is expected to be completed in June 2026. Fiscal 2024 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $5,724,622; fiscal 2024 research, development, test, and evaluation (Air Force) funds in the amount of $5,724,623; FMS customer funds in the amount of $1,201,206; and non-Department of Defense participants funds in the amount of $15,527,961, will be obligated at the time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

Lockheed Martin Space,  Littleton, Colorado, is awarded a cost-plus-incentive-fee and cost-plus-fixed-fee, unpriced letter contract modification (P00050) with a not-to-exceed amount of $220,000,000 under contract N00030-22-C-1025. This effort will support program management, engineering development, systems integration, long lead material, and special tooling and equipment in support of missile and launching platform production for Conventional Prompt Strike. Work will be performed in Denver, Colorado (52%); Huntsville, Alabama (36%); Sunnyvale, California (8%); Michoud, Louisiana (2%); Stennis, Mississippi (1%); and various other locations (1% total). Work under this contract is expected to be completed on July 31, 2028. Fiscal 2023 Missile Procurement (Army) funds in the amount of $980,000; fiscal 2024 research, development, test, and evaluation (Army) funds in the amount of $96,240,000; and fiscal 2024 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $9,200,000, will be obligated upon award. No funds will expire at the end of this fiscal year. This contract is being awarded to the contractor on a sole source basis under 10 U.S. Code 3204(a)(1) and was previously synopsized on the System for Award Management online portal. Strategic Systems Programs, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

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